Amazing websites for some cool design inspiration


Hey guys it’s Wajid Majeed, welcome to  In this article, we're going to discuss amazing websites for some cool design inspiration. Let’s go ahead and get started all right.

So first up is

 Proto homes and this is a better way to build homes They’re kind of taking the home building process from design to completion in one easy process. They're going to do pretty much everything here. Streamlining the home building process and I really love the way they've done this hero section.

Proto homes

All of the parts coming together kind of establishing that building heading there and then it gives you a real world. Example sliding up to that animated image right they've got some real world examples of their homes and it zooms in to one of them here to take you down through the next section which is going to go over.

Why their houses are the smartest on the block and they've got some nice tabs you can go through and look at the different parts of the house. It's going to highlight it in orange which I think is really cool. It's just a great 3d way of showing you everything their houses are capable of.

Proto homes

They've got an app that's going to help you with your process of building your house and then if we keep scrolling they've got this awesome slider section where you can select each one and it just kind of slides through.

Proto homes

 I love this interaction, they've got really clean really nice looking and then down after the video section they've got a nice big block of orange for their call to action, which is really great, stands out, gets your attention and then when you however over talk to us, it kind of compacts into that circle really great interaction and overall a really solid website check it out link here.

Proto homes

Today's article is all about inspiration, what better way to get inspired than using a mood board or jotting down your ideas and staying organized.

Time frame a social networking app that's going to show not only the past and the present but the future allowing you to access other people's calendars and see what they have planned and up and coming and this homepage is not only beautiful, it has these nice calendar blocks in the background but the entire thing is one gigantic scroll interaction.

Time frame

 So as we scroll the website has a lot of motion, all the images compact into the app and we go into the common layout that you're going to see throughout the entire thing. Where we have our kind of content on the right and then we'll have some headings showing casing the features here on the side. As the phone changes all the way throughout the scroll with the colors in the background and that calendar scrolling through, so just a really cool way to showcase what is possible with scroll interactions on your website.

Time frame

 At the end it kind of unpacks here and returns to a similar layout as the hero kind of telling that story from the start to the end I really like this website, it's really cool and creative a great way to showcase an app and it's also made with web flow which is super cool .Check it out here.


Procreate: They're going to release a mobile app and so this is the coming soon page for it. It’s a very small website, only two sections the hero and then this next footer and call to action kind of combo one but it's just a really awesome interaction.


 So as we scroll and we get two kind of the point right here. It’s going to change to dark theme and that gradient runs through the image and the text really quick there and then it gives us the opportunity to put in our email address.

It’s just a really cool interaction how you can transition through a light themed design to dark theme for a different section instead of having your typical blocks of content, where you would have a black block with your text and you'd have a white block up. 


Here you can seamlessly fade through each one of those and you can also do that with color sections on different websites as well. So just something cool to think about fading your section colors and text from one color to the next instead of having those standard blocks so that's a great website link is here.


Wajid Majeed

Freelancer, blogger, digital marketer, affiliate marketer, seo master,

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