What is the difference between Phishing and Pharming?


Phishing is a type of online fraud that involves tricking people into revealing personal information, such as credit card numbers or login credentials. The phisher typically poses as a trustworthy entity in an email or other communication and includes links to fake websites that look legitimate. When the victim clicks on the link, they are taken to the spoofed website and asked to enter sensitive information. Phishers can also install malware on victims' computers to steal their information directly.

Phone Phishing:

Phone phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of fraud that uses voice calls or text messages to trick people into revealing personal information, such as credit card numbers or login credentials. The phisher typically poses as a trustworthy entity in communication and includes links to fake websites that look legitimate. When the victim clicks on the link, they are taken to the spoofed website and asked to enter sensitive information. Phone phishers can also install malware on victims' computers to steal their information directly.

Spear Phishing:

Spear phishing is a type of online fraud that involves tricking people into revealing personal information, such as credit card numbers or login credentials. The phisher typically poses as a trustworthy entity in an email or other communication and includes links to fake websites that look legitimate. When the victim clicks on the link, they are taken to the spoofed website and asked to enter sensitive information. Phishers can also install malware on victims' computers to steal their information directly.

Clone Phishing:

Clone phishing is a type of online fraud that involves tricking people into revealing personal information, such as credit card numbers or login credentials. The phisher typically poses as a trustworthy entity in an email or other communication and includes links to fake websites that look legitimate. When the victim clicks on the link, they are taken to the spoofed website and asked to enter sensitive information. Phishers can also install malware on victims' computers to steal their information directly.

Phishing is a serious problem because it can lead to identity theft and financial losses. It is important to be aware of phishing scams and know how to protect yourself from them. One way to do this is by never clicking on links in emails or other communications from unfamiliar senders. If you are unsure about whether a website is legitimate, you can check its URL carefully - phishers often use slight misspellings of well-known websites to trick people into thinking they are genuine. You can also hover over links without clicking them to see where they will take you; if the URL shown is not the one you were expecting, it may be a phisher's site.


Pharming is a type of cyberattack in which hackers redirect traffic from a legitimate website to a fake one. They do this by infecting computers with malware or by exploiting vulnerabilities in DNS servers. Pharming can be used to steal sensitive information like login credentials or financial information. It can also be used to spread malware or to launch other attacks.

There are several ways that pharming attacks can be carried out. One common method is known as DNS cache poisoning. This involves hackers injecting false data into the DNS server's cache. When users try to access the legitimate website, they are instead redirected to the fake one. Another common method is referred to as domain hijacking. This occurs when hackers change the DNS records for a website and redirect traffic to their server.

Pharming attacks can have serious consequences for both individuals and businesses. Victims may have their personal information stolen or their computers infected with malware. Businesses may suffer financial losses or damage to their reputation if customers are unable to access their website or if sensitive data is leaked.

To protect against pharming attacks, it is important to keep your computer and software up-to-date, use strong passwords, and never click on links in email messages or instant messages unless you are sure of their legitimacy.

Let us see - The Difference Between Phishing and Pharming

Cyber security

In phishing, the attacker tries to find the sensitive information of users by the means of electronic communication illegally. On the other hand, pharming does not need any user interaction. Attackers can reroute the DNS server traffic to a fraudulent website by using malicious code. The website may look like a legitimate one, however, it is created for stealing sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card details, etc.

Phishing is an attempt to scam people one at a time via an email or instant message. Pharming is an attempt to scam people en masse by redirecting them to a fake website without their knowledge or consent.

Phishing is electronic mail fraud. Attackers send emails that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a financial institution or online retailer. The email typically contains a link that redirects the user to a fraudulent website that looks like a legitimate site. The attacker then attempts to collect sensitive information, such as login credentials or credit card details, from the unsuspecting victim.

Pharming is similar to phishing but on a much larger scale. Attackers don't need to track each user into clicking on a malicious link; instead, they can redirect entire groups of users to a fake website without their knowledge or consent simply by infecting DNS servers with malicious code. Once again, the fraudulent website may look identical to the legitimate site, but it is being used for nefarious purposes such as stealing sensitive information.

Phishing is a type of fraud in which an attacker tricks the victims into providing personal information by email or message. Pharming is a type of fraud in which an attacker tricks the victims into providing personal information, usually by redirecting them to a fake website without their knowledge or consent. Phishing typically uses email or messages, while pharming can occur through malicious code that infects DNS servers and redirects traffic to a fraudulent site.

Both phishing and pharming are serious threats to internet users. While phishing requires the attacker to trick users into giving away their personal information, pharming can be done without any user interaction. As more and more people are becoming aware of phishing scams, attackers are turning to pharming as it is easier to execute and less likely to be detected.

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